Monday, September 16, 2013

How to Set Networking Goals - "Want, Have, Do"

As learned in the past, we know that setting goals for any measure of achievement is of severe importance. It is safe to say then, that setting Networking Goals is vital if you intend on using networking as a means of advancement in your business.
The following is what I call the Want, Have, Do approach to clarifying the details within your business goals. This is a great assessment tool as it keeps things reasonably simple but uncovers unseen particulars.

Depending on the nature and success factors of your business, you should know what has to occur in order for you to plant a flag and conclude your mission is accomplished. For example, if your goal is to achieve 10 sales in 1 month, this is known as the "Want". You may also add details such as 10 $5,000 sales with executives or CEO's making over $250,000 per year.

Now that the "Want" is clearly defined, what do you "Have" within your reach that could assist you in attainment of the prize? Take an analysis of your friends, contacts, connections, native abilities, etc. Use your experiences and imagination and connect the hypothetical dots. In doing this exercise, you may find a plethora of networking opportunities to strengthen and or create relationships leading to triumph.

As you take a clear look into your resources, you may make associations between people and institutions not previously imagined. This happens simply by knowing vividly, your desired result and applying practical possibilities to your vision.

If you meet with difficulty during the "Have" phase, and it's because of a lack of perceived resources, I suggest taking a keen look at what is easily available and cultivating growth and improvement. This will also answer the question, "Are the people and associations I'm attached to congruent with my career destination?" This is not to suggest eliminating loved ones or friendships. It merely denotes a sure necessity to align with favorable outlets. If aligning with favorable outlets is absolutely necessary in order to begin, you have just landed on the first step of your action plan or the "Do".

The "Do" is the bridge that physically separates you from the promise land. In the above example, 10 sales within a certain criteria of people is the goal. Any action plan has steps. The steps may be using your current network of people constructively to put you in contact with your chosen targets, or getting out and meeting them first hand.

In either case, you can never have too big of a network and should keep encounters with new people, the right people, in your plans. Today is a great day to attend a networking event.

Do you want to learn more about business networking? I have just completed my brand new guide for Professional Networking Success:

Download it FREE here: Expert Networking Secrets Exposed In Plain English

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