Thursday, September 18, 2014

How to Network Effectively in a Crowded Room - 3 Simple Tips

The many projects and goals people may want to achieve are numerous. To network effectively in a crowded room is actually a goal aspired to by a good number of folks. It's actually a comparatively frequent choice. Here is one of several good things relating to choosing this goal... It's really not very difficult, when you know how.

Reading this article could make it a whole lot easier to be successful at networking effectively in a crowded room. To understand the proper way to network effectively in a crowded room and achieve this goal in three easy steps, read on...

The 1st step is to approach the event with a targeted resolve. This means to already have you would like to meet in mind when walking through the door. This is important for the reason that you don't want to waste time especially in a crowded room where certain closeness aspects aren't available. Make sure that you very carefully avoid shouting in people's ears when trying to be heard while carrying out this step. You simply must accomplish this 1st step completely and properly, if you don't then you could be giving the wrong impression or even causing ear damage.

The 2nd step is to shake firmly and have a brief introduction already prepared. This should be brief and clear enough to get your point across and exchange cards when needed. Make sure you avoid not making a warm and professional impression and likewise appearing overwhelmed by the rapid and noisy activity in the room.

The 3rd step is to "get in" and "get out" quickly but effectively when interacting. If the event were less crowded and noisy you could be a bit more detailed and intimate with your conversations but you will have to adjust to this environment. This can be very important since you are still "working" and want to make this time useful and productive. Be careful to avoid the error of choosing quantity over quality when finding who to talk to and how long. Use your good judgment.

Keep to the 3 steps above closely. After you follow the above instructions you will be able to network effectively in a crowded room without any difficulty. Simply go through the steps, doing what you must do at the same time keeping away from the pitfalls mentioned. The advantages and fruits from your successful endeavors to network effectively in a crowded room will then belong to you to relish.

Ready to put your new found knowledge to the test and grow your professional network in a relaxed but energetic live atmosphere?

Join us on Tuesday September 23rd in Philadelphia Pa at An Epic Networking Event  RSVP Now!

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Friday, August 8, 2014

5 Reasons You Should Network During the Summer

Why do so many people stop networking during the summer months? Is it because of the large amount of vacations? Is it because there's less time because now the kids are home for summer vacation? Is it because of the dwindling amount of motivation that has been happening since January? You know, the first part of the year where you set out to conquer the world but as the year goes on, you only conquer a small town. LOL!

Okay, it could be one or all of the reasons above. Regardless, event attendance slows down during the summer. Maybe a lot of us are just worn out from the first two quarters. Maybe we're just looking to catch a second wind before we positively dominate the last quarter of the year. In any case, below are 5 reasons to stay consistent and keep on networking throughout summer.

#1. You are gaining an edge on your competition while they are tanning in the sun. Yes, we all love bright sunny days but just imagine the contacts, connections, and new business allies you are building while your competition is sipping margaritas. They are indirectly leaving "more for you".

#2. Compounding efforts yield higher rewards. If you made a commitment back in January to attend 2-3 networking events per week and you kept your promise throughout the summer months, your results will be 3 times greater than that of a person who gave up in June.

#3. You haven't missed a beat. When you continue to go networking throughout the summer, news still happens. As you are out and about, you are learning current happenings in your industry. You are learning through word-of-mouth which is a powerful information channel. The majority, who are not active and present, are missing out.

#4. You get a chance to rub shoulders with more compatible-like-minded professionals. As you are networking through the summer, you are not alone. There are those individuals who are of a particular brand and are looking to meet similar comrades. These individuals may be more like you than you ever thought and our potentially stronger partners.

#5. There's no reason to stop. Unless you've had a significant break your career and there's no more need to bring new contacts into your network, stopping during the summer months can be a fatal business mistake. If during the first two quarters of the year, business networking proved to be an important part of your marketing, client acquisition, etc., why would you remove it from the equation?

At this point, you can see why it's important to be consistent and continue to network throughout the summer months. When you finally get to the end of the year and are ready to launch your strategy for the new year, you will have found that you have more in your arsenal than you would have had if you stopped networking in the summer months.

Ready to beat the summer heat and network in nice cool air conditioned room with other movers and shakers in Philadelphia? 

 Join us on Tues. Aug 19 for An Epic Networking Event
Register Here:

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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

5 Tips for a Successful Linkedin Company Page

In the past few years, Linkedin Company Pages have become quite popular. They are intended to showcase your company’s products and services, job opportunities, and overall culture. They are similar to your professional profile but with a more distinct focus. It is important to have a Linkedin Company Page especially for “onsite” visitors.

 If people visit your profile and happen to want to click the link for more company information, (provided your company has a Linkedin Company Page) they will be directed to it without leaving the website. This is important as they may not want to click away from the main website. These pages are easy to create and can be instrumental in gathering leads and stimulating engagement. Below are some tips to make sure your bases are covered with regards to your own company’s page.

Create a Custom URL
Every company page receives unique numeric code within its URL when it is created. In promoting your page, you can of course use this URL as a link for others to visit. However, it is possible to create a more brandable URL; like your company name if it's not already taken. Creating your unique URL can be done by opening Linkedin settings and clicking on "Public Profile".

Create a Distinguishable Banner Image
When visitors see your company page, your cover image is the first thing they see. Here, you have an opportunity to place a value proposition, engaging statement, or simply display your company banner in HD. The choice you make of course should be consistent with any other marketing you are doing and should complement your branding.

Insert the Right Keywords
Just as with any webpage that you would like to rank high in the top search engines, you should be SEO savvy in using keywords in you company page's description. Doing so will help your page to be found in Linkedin's search engine as well as other offsite search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. It is of course important to you that your company get as high in the results as possible. That said, keep the proper keywords and keyword phrases in your description but keep in mind not to over use them to the point in which your description doesn't "read" naturally.

Create and Add a YouTube Video
You should keep in mind the fact that online videos are a favorite type of content to website visitors. When you can display a video that communicates the same thing as a few paragraphs of marketing copy, you have scored high in efficiency. Not to mention, your visitors may be averse to reading long paragraphs.

Your video, which at the very least, should summarize what your company does and describe your unique value proposition. You can accomplish this with a simple but professional 30 seconds to 1.5 minute video. If you include a good call to action at the end of the video, you could see a surprising increase in sales or engagement conversions. Remember to keep the video relevant to the content on your company page.

Keep Your Page Up to Date
Your Linkedin Company Page is similar to your professional profile in that you can post updates. If people visit your page and there are updates that are weeks to months old, it can make a statement about your company. Your company may be progressing very well but if you have chosen to use the Company Page as an outlet for branding or even exposure, it should reflect the strides you are making. Remember that more than one person can be involved in posting updates. It is wise to allow other members/employees of your team to post. It's a good measure to get co-workers engaged in the company buzz and share positive and interesting news regarding your company.

Want to learn more about networking and maximizing Linkedin for success?  I've just completed my new report; Top 50 Ways to Maximize Linkedin for Business, 2014 Update.

Click Image to Download Now

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