Monday, September 16, 2013

How to Set Networking Goals - "Want, Have, Do"

As learned in the past, we know that setting goals for any measure of achievement is of severe importance. It is safe to say then, that setting Networking Goals is vital if you intend on using networking as a means of advancement in your business.
The following is what I call the Want, Have, Do approach to clarifying the details within your business goals. This is a great assessment tool as it keeps things reasonably simple but uncovers unseen particulars.

Depending on the nature and success factors of your business, you should know what has to occur in order for you to plant a flag and conclude your mission is accomplished. For example, if your goal is to achieve 10 sales in 1 month, this is known as the "Want". You may also add details such as 10 $5,000 sales with executives or CEO's making over $250,000 per year.

Now that the "Want" is clearly defined, what do you "Have" within your reach that could assist you in attainment of the prize? Take an analysis of your friends, contacts, connections, native abilities, etc. Use your experiences and imagination and connect the hypothetical dots. In doing this exercise, you may find a plethora of networking opportunities to strengthen and or create relationships leading to triumph.

As you take a clear look into your resources, you may make associations between people and institutions not previously imagined. This happens simply by knowing vividly, your desired result and applying practical possibilities to your vision.

If you meet with difficulty during the "Have" phase, and it's because of a lack of perceived resources, I suggest taking a keen look at what is easily available and cultivating growth and improvement. This will also answer the question, "Are the people and associations I'm attached to congruent with my career destination?" This is not to suggest eliminating loved ones or friendships. It merely denotes a sure necessity to align with favorable outlets. If aligning with favorable outlets is absolutely necessary in order to begin, you have just landed on the first step of your action plan or the "Do".

The "Do" is the bridge that physically separates you from the promise land. In the above example, 10 sales within a certain criteria of people is the goal. Any action plan has steps. The steps may be using your current network of people constructively to put you in contact with your chosen targets, or getting out and meeting them first hand.

In either case, you can never have too big of a network and should keep encounters with new people, the right people, in your plans. Today is a great day to attend a networking event.

Do you want to learn more about business networking? I have just completed my brand new guide for Professional Networking Success:

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Saturday, September 14, 2013

3 Tips on How to Network Smartly on LinkedIn

There are many things worth doing in this world and folks searching for worthwhile undertakings have got a whole lot to choose from. For whichever reasons, some people want to network smartly on LinkedIn. It's a fairly frequent choice. On the favorable side of things, should you select this goal, it's is not at all difficult to attain, if you know what you're really doing.

 The intention of this article is to really make it simple for you to succeed and triumph at network smartly on LinkedIn. To learn the best way to and attain this objective in three simple steps, read on...

 The 1st step is to make a short list of the most important types of people that you think you need to associate yourself with in order to succeed in your business. You will want to do this since you can network and meet dozens of people but if they aren't connected in the right ways it may not be useful to your business goals.

 Concurrently, you will want to stay away from putting too many types of individuals on your short list and just focus on the most important for now. It will likely be really important to get this 1st step done right and well. In the event you fail in that, then you are not prioritizing and targeting in an intelligent manner.

 The 2nd step is to visit groups on LinkedIn that the clients of your targeted people are likely to be a part of. Here you will need to avoid focusing on groups that are based on an industry where your targeted people are mainly exchanging info because you could find yourself competing with others in your field and it's better to stand out than just be another person seemingly prospecting.

The 3rd step is to send email or introduce yourself via a good comment to a post. This will be important since you could prove your value right away and begin a dialog leading to a number of good things. Be careful to stay away from the mistake of giving a sales pitch when you have the opportunity to simply introduce yourself and create a good rapport. You can build from that point.

 Make sure to carefully stick to these 3 steps. In doing this you should, more than likely, manage to network smartly on LinkedIn without difficulties. In pursuing the steps, make certain to do them properly, for those reasons stated, avoiding the possible mistakes explained. Then celebrate! Congratulate yourself! Pat yourself on the back! Take advantage of the fruits and many advantages that come with having successfully networked smartly on LinkedIn!

 Do you want to learn more about business networking? I have just completed my brand new guide for Professional Networking and Linkedin Success:

Download it FREE here: Top 50 Ways to Maximize Linkedin for Business

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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Networking Fail - 5 Traits

I notice our young folks using the word "fail" in a unique way. Simply, it just means failure. Okay, now since that is clarified, let's discuss those traits which sum up a Networking Fail.
1. Ego takes over and objectives are overlooked.
Just like any other business aspiration, networking requires goals. When one goes out to networking events and meets other professionals, egos can get in the way. The ego can present itself in so many different formats.
One successful business man/woman can be arrogant and condescending towards others. As this happens, others may become offended because they have now been insulted. On both ends, egos have now taken over and productivity is lost.
In either case, self-control is the antidote to tame the ego. One must stay focused, no matter what happens. If not, you can lose time which you will never get back. The Networking Fail comes when self-control goes out the back door.
2. Not having a good day and the attitude reflects this.
I have to ask, why do people attend business networking events if they are having a horrible day? Okay, maybe they rationalized that, if they go they will somehow cheer up. Maybe they rationalized, networking and a few drinks will save the day.
If you have ever been the recipient to the manners expressed by such an individual, you'll probably agree with me when I say, they should have stayed home. This doesn't make them a bad or evil person. It just indicates a bad judgment call on their part. Hey, everyone has a right to go where ever they wish but keeping the purpose of networking alive, relies on a good judgment call.
So, the Networking Fail is created when the person doesn't realize that they must cheer up internally, on their own and the event won't do it for them.
The Networking Fail is born when they follow through on their bad decision.
3. Does not follow up.
This has been discussed so many times that I don't even want to add comments to it. However, we all know that business networking is a waste of time unless you make use of the people you meet. You'll never find out what can happen unless you open the doors of communication.
The Networking Fail comes to life when all communications cease at the initial encounter.
4. Shows no real interest and can't hold a conversation.
It is like networking death when you don't show a genuine interest to your conversation partner. Showing interest, helps you to listen better and helps the talker feel validated. Listening well, also helps you to gather valuable information for future correspondence.
The Networking Fail, grows out of boredom or distraction. This is a self control issue.
5. Thinks that people operate like machinery.
This one is common among people who are in a rush. Relationships take time to develop. People like to take their time when making decisions, especially decision that will affect their lives. People that don't understand it will usually say that networking doesn't work. In reality, it just doesn't work for them.
The Networking Fail manifests itself once the individual expects to push a button on a person and get a desired result.
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4 Productive Networking Activities

Business networking can be an exact science depending on an individual's perspective. Because there are so many uses, one person may have their own complete sequence of procedures that is different from all others. Furthermore, no 2 people do things exactly the same.
However, to reach certain goals in business using networking, does require somewhat of a structured system. In other words, there are activities that should be viewed as productive and progressive, opposed to counterproductive or detrimental.
Your critical business goals should always be the foundation that you base your prominent networking activities upon. Therefore, when I suggest an emphasis on the below activities, it will vary due to your objectives. That being said, below are generally productive activities to help you succeed in business networking;
1. Attending Business Networking Functions
This may seem like an obvious bit of advice but you must ask yourself if you are doing this on the regular basis. There are so many events available in so many places, yet they are missed by many people who have time challenges. When you consider that we are all just one person away from a big break or positive business changing experience, attending these events becomes more relevant.
2. Visiting Your Contacts
Looking into your past successes, examine just how much good relationships had to do with them. Great business relationships are built many times in a close, personal proximity.
Any opportunity to visit a colleague or contact within your network should be honored. This positive activity could be acknowledged later in time as productive and necessary.
3. Organizing and Categorizing Your Network
A lot of networking and meeting new contacts can lead to clutter. The clutter of which I speak is piles of business cards or online social network colleagues without proper categorization.
Yes, it is great to have a large and powerful network but if you don't have a system to prioritize those who are the most important, those who are up-and-coming, and those who are undecided, you are not maximizing what you have.
4. Drafting a Virtual Future Network
As you keep your communications and ties strong, you must always be looking into the future. You should know, as you progress in your career, who are the people who could potentially help to move you further down the road? It's a good idea, quarterly at least, to envision what your future network could look like. Of course, envisioning this will help to give you a solid and trackable path for business networking.
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Monday, September 9, 2013

How to Develop and Capture Hot Leads on LinkedIn - 5 Steps

Many times, I am asked how to take real advantage of business online social networks. People want to know how networking online can bring some of the same advantages as off-line networking.
A common goal in networking is to generate quality leads which can lead to new clients, partners, or simply interested parties. Once good quality leads are at your disposal, you have the power to nurture them to their full potential. Here are 5 steps to do just that;
1. Create an attractive lead capture webpage
This can be accomplished by using a WYSIWYG editor or simply hiring a freelance web designer. Your capture page will include information about you, your company, and or your unique offer. It is a good idea to give away something for free like an e-book, a free report, or even a free consultation. You will give this away in exchange for your visitors e-mail and contact information.
2. Sign up with an e-mail auto-responder service
There are several auto-responder e-mail services available but Aweber is my favorite. An auto-responder allows you to create an HTML form in which your visitors can submit their contact information and sign up to your e-mail list. From this point you can create a prearranged sequence of e-mails to stay in communication with them.
3. Choose and join 50 Targeted Groups
The free membership option on LinkedIn allows you to join up to 50 groups. I recommend joining groups in which your target market are members of.
4. Read, participate in, and start discussions
Take time to read through the various discussions within these groups and when you see an opportunity to offer expert advice, respond with comments. It's important, for credibility's sake, that you respond with good information and equally important to leave a link to your capture page after your comment. When people click this link, you will gain visitors and many will convert to subscribers. Note; be sure to read the rules of the group before posting links. Most allow it but some will not.
5. Post several updates on your profile daily
As you continue to network on and off line you should be sending and receiving contact requests. This will grow your network and whenever you post an update, your network can view it. On your updates, be sure to leave a link back to your capture page. If you sync your LinkedIn account with your Twitter account, your updates will now be indexed in search engines and will gain you additional targeted traffic.
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5 Questions to Ask a New Contact Before Referring Them

One of the big benefits of business networking is the power of the referral. When we receive word from a trusted contact of an individual who can provide a service for us, it holds more weight than responding to an advertisement or calling out of the phone book.  Because of this, you want to be sure about those who are referred to you and especially, those whom you refer to others.
If you receive a referral from a friend or colleague and they turn out to be a complete disaster, you will no doubt look at the referrer in a different light.  For this reason, it is vitally important to refer those who are worthy.
Sometimes, when referring a new contact, you can't be 100% certain, so here is a brief list of questions to ask them to bring you closer to surety;
1. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you enjoy what you do?
With 10 being the highest, if they don't answer between 8 and above, I would start to doubt their dedication to their field. When a person enjoys what they do, they tend to go beyond normal customer service. If this happens, all parties involved reap the benefits.
2. How long have you been in business?
This question can sometimes be intimidating to your new contact. It can make them feel uncomfortable if they are just getting started in their field. Nevertheless, an honest answer will lead you to make a good decision.
If they have years of experience, you will know that they are a stronger candidate than otherwise. If they're just beginning in their field, your judgment of character will help you to refer them or not.
3. Do you have any client testimonials?
Once again, if they are new, they may not have any positive stories or client testimonials but if they have experience, they may. If they don't, it doesn't mean that they are not credible or reputable.
It could just mean that they haven't gone about collecting client testimonials. In this case, it is your judgment of character once again, that will assist you in making your decision.
4. What is your favorite client story?
The way they answer this question may provide clues to how they deal with clients in general. They may tell you how they were able to provide a solution to someone and change their situation.  It's also a brief case study.
They may not have a favorite client story whatsoever. If they don't, it could mean that they aren't in harmony with what they do.  Typically, if they do, it's a signal that they enjoy their work.
5. What's the #1 reason I should recommend you as opposed to your competition?
This is, of course, a request to hear their Unique Selling Proposition. If they don't have one, it's just as well but they should be able to provide a reasonably good reason why.
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Friday, September 6, 2013

Making LinkedIn Work for You - 3 Tips

Your Profile
A Good Headline
Just as with any online content intended for Search Engine Optimization and or attention grabbing, a good headline on your LinkedIn profile is equally important. On one hand, having a good headline can help you to show up higher in the LinkedIn search engines while on the other hand, a compelling headline can help you to keep the attention of someone visiting your profile.
Finding the balance between the two is dependent upon your LinkedIn goals. You may be using your profile simply as a reference for more information in which you will be driving direct traffic, in which case Search Engine Optimization is not a priority. Otherwise, you may desire to show up in the LinkedIn search engines more frequently.
Growing Your Network
Upload Your E-Mail Contact Lists
To really leverage the power of LinkedIn, you will want to grow your network considerably. You will be able to take advantage of opportunities as it grows but first things first. A great way to begin or expand your network is to upload your contacts from your pre-established email address books.
You can upload your contacts from your Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook, etc. and send contact requests simultaneously. Doing this can expand your LinkedIn connections considerably because you are contacting people that you already know and are already familiar with you. If they already have LinkedIn accounts, once they accept, you will be able to look into their 2nd connections and possibly ask for introductions to some of their connections. Whether you have zero or over 500 connections, this action can greatly increase your network.
Introduce Yourself
Networking in the real world, like that of a live event, requires you to introduce yourself to others. Doing so may be awkward to some but nevertheless, it opens the doors for fruitful business relationships to begin. In face to face encounters it is difficult to be ignored initially and because of this, it assists in the continuation and growth of a productive relationship.
However, introducing yourself online in the same way is met with blatant disregard. It is easy to create a nice, sincere introduction to a potential contact and be ignored. This is not a reason to give up and not pursue the same while networking on LinkedIn. It makes more sense to continue while focusing on your goals. It also makes the continued correspondence with those who do respond more valuable. LinkedIn is for networking so using the website for this purpose, in this way is highly recommended. Simply be professional and dedicated to your objectives and it will work for you.
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Are You a Champion Listener? 5 Point Check

Although not the topic of popular conversation, listening skills hold a lot of weight in relationship building. Business networking is commonly perceived as doing proactive things to create useful relationships. Yes, certain bond building activities must be performed but there are details involved.
An important detail is to have exceptional listening skills. In other words, just as much emphasis that is put into having a good elevator pitch or to be able to explain the great features and benefits your services, should be applied to your listening capabilities.
This is one vital aspect to business networking and business relationships that shouldn't be overlooked. You may be a great listener but it's always good to do a spot check and consistently welcome improvement.
How great of a listener are you? Ask yourself the following questions;
1. Do you seek first to understand and then to be understood?
Sometimes we can be so excited and engrossed with our own agenda that we are in a hurry to spread the word and speak of our own needs. There's nothing wrong with doing this, however, it should not interfere with lending your ear in a way that allows you to receive important information coming from your conversation partner. You must be receptive and understanding regardless of your own current status.
2. Are you conscious of how much you talk versus how much you listen?
If you are actively trying to become a better listener, it will do you well to pay attention to how much and how well you are listening. To become a champion listener, you should speak a few words in order to get the conversation going and then listen attentively. When you determine that enough has been discussed about the other person's interests, it's safe for you to express yours.
3. Do you prove that you are listening?
When engaged in a conversation, it's not enough to simply stare and listen. You must react and respond to what is being said with your body language; You should nod your head, make facial expressions, smile, etc.. Additional proof that you are listening is to ask questions and give brief input.
4. Is your input effective and well received?
The only way to give good input is to clearly comprehend what is being explained to you. The reaction of your conversation partner will indicate the level of your understanding.
5. Do you ask questions?
Input is great but nothing says you are listening like asking relevant questions. The right questions are absolute proof that you are listening and how well.
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Thursday, September 5, 2013

How to Generate B2B Traffic on LinkedIn - 3 Tips

There are many online traffic generation methods available today. Depending on the type of business you are in and the type of website you have, different traffic generation methods apply. LinkedIn, which is a website that caters mostly to the B2B marketplace, traffic generation from within the website is as important as traffic coming from other sources.
LinkedIn has millions and millions of members who are searching, communicating, and conducting business 24 hours a day-7 days a week. With all of this activity happening, it is easy to get passed over by your competition or to be confused on just how to get the right prospects to your link.
Well, it's only confusing when you don't know how. Once you know a few good tips and methods, it becomes easier. You just have to be willing to do the work. If you're willing to do the work then you will see much better results.
Don't worry though, the work that is involved is not really difficult but can be tedious at best. As you get engaged in the work I'm about to describe, you must ask yourself; "How bad do I want new business?" Here are a few great traffic generating techniques;
1. Join groups and make comments
LinkedIn has thousands of groups to choose from. You should locate groups within your target market and apply to join. Some groups have a waiting period where they need to process your application but many will let you join instantly.
When you join these groups you should read the comments and discussions posted by other group members. You have your choice of responding to the various discussions or beginning your own. Another great thing about groups is that you are permitted to send direct messages to group members who will allow it.
Most group members allow messages to be sent directly to them. You must be careful not to abuse this. With all of that said, enter the link back to your website in all of your communications. This will drive traffic.
2. Post updates to your profile several times daily
As you go about communicating with group members and including your link within the process, it's a good idea to send contact requests to those members. If you do this on a regular basis, your LinkedIn network will grow by leaps and bounds and when you post updates to your profile, your net work will see them. When you post your updates remember to include your link and you will enjoy a nice surge of nicely targeted traffic.
3. LinkedIn Ads
If your budget allows, you can choose to pay for advertising. When you are setting up your advertisement, you will be given the option to choose a target market. This is a good option because it allows you to fine tune and aim your marketing at the desired prospects. It is of varied opinions that this works well or not. It is, for the most part, inexpensive and worth testing.
Do you want to learn more about business networking? I have just completed my brand new guide for Professional Networking Success:
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3 Ways to Give the People What They Want

A common goal for people who network is to gain clients through their efforts. They attend business networking functions and other business events to meet potential clients or those who can connect them. This can be a successful course of action and does yield good results for those who understand the process and know how to navigate their way through it.
Those who find success through this form of direct marketing are able to identify what their clients are looking for. They're able to make a connection and build the proper relationships in order to provide adequate solutions.
This doesn't happen automatically as if there are no processes at work. On the contrary, there are various methods to the madness.
The bottom line is, satisfaction of the client should be the main objective and that process starts during the initial networking stages. If a solid foundation is laid at the onset, he or she can be satisfied more precisely.
In other words, after the right targeting is in place and the right prospects are located, there are things that can actively be put in place to ensure better results. It's a combination of relationship building and positioning yourself as a pillar of trust. To be effective, you must become what is sought after, (within reason);
Be Their Personal Expert
Each client or potential client is looking for solutions, satisfaction, and answers. It makes it easier on an individual when they can confide in one sharp source.
Through regular communication and always getting details from them, you can become the source. This is what they want because it saves time and frustration.
Exude Extreme Confidence in Your Words and Abilities
This has to do with personal branding and is something that is evident in all large and successful corporations. It is simply upholding and maintaining an image which projects credibility and competence. This is paying special attention and monitoring everything that a client may see or hear about you.
Ask and Then Provide
You're probably familiar with companies surveys which gather information so that the marketing department or research and development can adjust products or services to meet client needs. The same thing can be done on a person to person basis, even from the very beginning.
This is one of the success secrets in business. Sometime entrepreneurs or company reps can get so bogged down in the way things are supposed to be that they'll ignore or overlook what people are really asking for. This is yet another unseen level of business networking.
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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

3 Constructive LinkedIn Activities

LinkedIn Group Involvement
Offer Resources
Most of us, no matter what industry we are in, possess a treasure trove of knowledge. This is knowledge that we may take for granted but could be extremely valuable to others. Being active in any community online or off has rewards sometimes beyond explanation. Therefore, the sincere offering of resources is recommended when you are involved in LinkedIn groups.
Offering good resources can also put you in the position of being considered an expert or go-to person. It also can give your company repeat exposure. This means that the open offering of little know resources can be leveraged as a marketing tool for your firm. This can create a trust factor which can be valuable in gaining new clients, partnerships, or even recommendations. So, there are advantages to not being a secret agent and harboring info that could help your colleagues.
Attract Abundant B2B Web Traffic
Send a Useful E-Mail to Your Network
The average LinkedIn user has some sort of expertise to some extent. The knowledge that is taken for granted by some considered to be very valuable to many. As the saying goes, "One man's trash is another man's treasure." This is never been truer than in the possession of valuable information. If you are involved in a particular niche, your network of colleagues will be glad to receive useful information.
If you can share good information enough, you will be looked at as a source for it. Furthermore, in this information age, the sharing of information is welcomed without hesitation. It is especially welcomed when it comes from a trusted source like a colleague. Therefore, as you proceed to do your part in the relaying of valuable information, don't forget to include a link back to your website or blog. Remember, it doesn't have to be a link back to your website or blog; you can point that link to whatever you wish.
Track Your Consistent Activity
When engaged in business networking there are numerous activities one could be involved in at any given time. You could the attending a business networking event or having a conversation over coffee with a new contact. You could be attending a workshop full of potential clients or adding your two cents to a targeted blog or discussion board online. Whatever your activity is, it is probably being executed to gain a particular result.
Networking, just like any other form of marketing should be trackable when defining results. There are a variety of different ways to track the effects of networking versus your sales accomplishments. However, digitally tracking your results using LinkedIn may be a bit easier. It is possible to know and record just how many comments you have left in discussions and even the number of updates or e-mails you may have enacted. LinkedIn's sophisticated technology allows us to go back and count we have been involved in. Because this is possible it encourages persistence and can make prospecting on this website a worthwhile. When one can measure activity versus results so closely, LinkedIn could become a superior medium for prospecting.
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Analyze Your Network and Gain Perspective - 3 Steps

Could the missing links to your success be hiding out right in your own network? If they were, wouldn't you want to know? Wouldn't you take the critical steps to explore the possibilities and essentially locate the hidden treasures? I am willing to bet that you would and it may not be as difficult as one might think.
Anything worth true value usually requires work to obtain. The question is upon the individual as to whether they are willing to put in the necessary labor.
It can be quite exciting and enlightening to uncover favorable options within your own base of connections. Part of the excitement is discovering that all was available to you for some time but could only be revealed after you sought it out.
Golden opportunities and the simple connections to valuable resources are available to the majority if they would only take the right steps to locate them. That dilemma, is that most don't make the effort and even more don't know how.
There are many different ways to take stock of a network but good results is what people are after. The best methods are those which have been tried and tested through time. This means that the hard work has already been put in and there is a basic sequence to follow;
1. Determine the size by examining multiple angles
If you have ever taken stock of your network, you may have only focused on one angle or aspect. There are more to be considered; people you went to school with, all of your friends on online social networks, past coworkers, etc.. In general, people who know you and are on good terms.
2. Determine who can help you
If you are on a specific path for your career/business goals, you will already know what type of individuals can help to make profitable things happen for you. That said, laying out a detailed chart which describes those people within your extended network, can show you options and variables that you may have never contemplated.
3. Assemble realistic possibilities
Once you have the opportunity to see all of the variables that have now been brought to the surface, you should be strikingly realistic in creating probable outcomes. The reason for such practicality is to avoid wasting too much time in the fantasy phase.
A realistic and tangible perspective is what you're after. It is important not to limit your imagination unfairly but this must conclude as a productive exercise.
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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

3 Good LinkedIn Moves to Make You Successful

Don't Ignore Ensuing Professionals 
Networking is always considered to be something dynamic. Very few people perceive communication with colleagues as a networking activity. It is highly encouraged to communicate with those around you as it can help you gain opportunities. It is common for someone to ignore an email sent by a colleague. Emails could be seen as a way for colleagues to help each other out. It is really not time consuming and it is quite helpful in the long run. When receiving an e-mail or communication from ensuing colleagues, use your imagination for immediate objectives to figure out if there are commonalities which will assist either one of you. Even though this act doesn't benefit your business wise, it doesn't mean that something positive cannot come out of it.
Greet New Members in Groups
LinkedIn will most probably publicize new members who have just joined the website. If you're interested in establishing contacts, you should jump at the opportunity to introduce yourself, offer some advice and welcome that person into the group. In networking, a good introductory practice like Ice Breaking is often used to strike up a conversation. One of the ways to do this is to welcome a member to the online community. You have the option of receiving all activity for a particular group you are focused on. This also means receiving some sort of notification when news members join the group. You can start by sending a welcome message then proceed with a conversation starter. If you are pretty confident with your abilities, you could perhaps offer to answer questions posed by the newcomers and even encourage them to partake in group discussions.
Use "Introductions" to Get Yourself a Job
In the business world, it is really important to introduce yourself to the correct people. After all, people whom you are already in contact with may not help with your career goal.Even so, they could be connected to those who do have the correct connections.This is why introductions are so important and are at the very foundation of making networking significant. Without valuable introductions, a large portion of our networking activities would be for nothing. Similarly, even in live networking functions, people introduce themselves all the time. The process is similar in LinkedIn, it is just an online version of it. As you scan through your network of colleagues and figure out which ones could possibly know someone who can help you to get the right position, you can contact them and ask for an introduction. This feature is typical to all profiles in LinkedIn. There is a control as to how much introductions you can use but at least it gives you the chance to use it and to your benefit. This is very important because a single introduction to the correct person could in fact land you a position in the career of your dreams.
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5 Steps to Hosting Your Own Speed Networking Event

Networking events are a perfect way to establish connections. Even if you don't have much contacts to begin with, you can make really good network connections from a networking event and have enough contacts to last you for some time.
There are available networking events everywhere and anywhere.There will always be a pool of business cards centred towards card exchanges so as to ensure connections between professionals. This includes something called a Speed Networking Event. A Speed Networking Event is pretty much the same as speed dating whereby individuals sit at different tables to communicate with potential partners. When the event is over, everyone else has connected with different individuals. Anyone can easily conduct a Speed Networking Event, even you. Similar to everything else, it will take 5 easy steps.
1. Figure Your Desired Attendance
When you host an event, the number of people attending should range between 15 - 50. Ensure that you have sufficient tables and chairs for the event. Bear in mind that there will be two individuals facing each other at any given time.
2. Pick a Venue
Similar to professional events elsewhere, you should want the setting to be lovely and professional.You should also choose a venue that can hold a big group without hindering the other guests in the restaurant. Speed Networking Events can be relatively noisy because people are constantly communicating.
3. Begin Inviting Your Target Guests
You should make plans to send out invitations about 2 to 3 weeks before the actual event. Bear in mind that once you start to invite guests, it will generally be unresponsive. However, you have to work hard to advertise the event and you'll realize that when the date gets closer, people will be asking and registering.
4. Use a PA System for Voice Amplification
Experience tells me that a PA system is a great investment, especially at times when you want the attendees to move to the next station. After all, yelling just seems a little unprofessional. One other alternative is a whistle, similar to the once used in a sports game. However, I still recommend a mini PA system because it makes talking more convenient and you don't have to damage your vocal chords in the process.
5. Be a Great Host
This can be quite frustrating at first. Just ensure that you've made preparations beforehand. These are a few things to note during the event.
A. Make sure you have a sign in sheet to capture your guest's contact information
B. Place a blank company letterhead at each station to give your guests an opportunity to take notes while they are talking.
C. Make sure people know how the event is going to work so as to avoid confusion.
Hence, before the event starts, it would be wise to inform the attendees how everything will work. Don't forget to also do this to attendees who arrive late.When the event is over, get in touch with your attendees to ask for feedback about the event. This will provide you credible feedback about how the event went.This will also teach you a thing or two.
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Monday, September 2, 2013

Avoid These 2 Things in LinkedIn Groups

Every other day, you may find people who utilize search engines to type "how to use LinkedIn Groups". They make use of the control key to search for results. What do you think inspires them to do so? The reasons are bountiful. They also exist as positive or negative reasons. The positive reasons include seeking pleasure such as acquiring something or simply satiating a "want". Negative reasons include avoiding something bad from taking place. Literally everything has good and bad sides to it and usually, one side will be more prevalent. This article aims to work on the negative aspects.
Initially, we should envision the most important negative factors attributed to this phenomenon. For basic knowledge, one should understand how to properly "act" within online groups on LinkedIn. To put it clearly, this is to avoid getting banned or kicked out of the specific groups. So firstly, what should we not do in a group? Also, why we shouldn't do those things? When one tries to fix an problem like spamming and obsolete content, one should be fully aware of one's own skills and how the industry could gain from it. Let'shighlight the 2 most important things to avoid:
Firstly, find out the purpose of the group's creation. Bear in mind that within the group's lifespan, the group's founder has had the unpleasant experience of dealing with members who take the group's purpose for granted. LinkedIn has provided group founders the authority to deal with frivolous members through specific penalties and guidelines. This includes trying to avoid specific irrelevant information which includes things like ubiquitous sales pitches. How important is this step? This could possibly mean costing you the opportunity of being a part of a group which can help you attain your business goals.
Secondly, you should avoid spamming emails with sales pitches. Why is this a big issue? It is very important because LinkedIn gives you the chance to establish connections directly through email with group members who have not directly been linked to you. Hence, when this feature is used for the wrong reasons, LinkedIn can block your communication through email. So what exactly do you look for to find out whether or not it is sufficient? You can send approximately 50 direct emails daily. However, this is a rough estimation which could change over time. Groups are a good place to network but it should be done carefully. Also, try not to use strong language which could provoke members. This is highly important especially since your online status and profile on LinkedIn are a representation of your professional being. How do we know if it is enough? Comments pertaining to religion, sex, race and politics should be avoided in group communication. Once you walk away from this advice and say something which could offend another person, you'll possible be marked. By eliminating all of the above, you stand a good chance. This could aid in your goal prospects once you avoid them. For those who search on how to use LinkedIn groups in search engines should very well start with these things.
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3 Ways to Find Networking Events Right for You

Something worth doing usually requires plenty of effort to complete. Most of the satisfaction derived from these things requires many steps with disciplined hard effort. You emerge triumphant, you have to plan ahead, set clear goals and persevere. Whichever task or project you decide on, you should not expect to find exceptions to those principles. Nearly every obstacle can be overcome successfully. You just have to follow these easy steps. Here is how you can find the right networking events for you by simply following five simple steps:
Step 1. Knowing Your Target and Industry is Paramount
This is of utmost importance because unless you know every nook and cranny of your industry and who to get in touch with, you could be wasting your time in different events. One of the most important things is to associate you with the correct people. Be sure that you do not ignore or by-pass this, because business networking is to be perceived as a form of marketing as well as an influential weapon for discovering specific individuals that can help you to reach your goals with haste. You will want to help them as well in the process but this perspective should be prominent as you proceed.
Step 2. Google Your Industry + Networking Events + "Your City" Here's a critical step, so lend it your entire attention.
Here's the preferred way to do this.
For instance, you could be searching for events in the Legal industry, then search "Law, Networking Events, New York City". The Google results page should show different events taking place in this field. At the very least, you will find some references to legal networking events which will lead you to find upcoming events. The reason for this importance is that the city, in which you live or are planning to visit, probably holds plenty of networking events but they are not specifically catered to your particular industry. Bear in mind that your goal is to be aimed in your technique, so that you can be happy and more pleased with your results.
Step 3. Visit Websites like and Type in Your Event Preferences.
The purpose for this is to discover networking and professional events that will boost your career. You can either use the Google approach or even visit this website that is specifically catered to professionals and assisting them in locating great events. One other reason for this is to get the idea that plenty of events are taking place in your market. Once you are aware of the availability, you can make a more informed decision.
Lastly, you will most likely enjoy the fruits of your labor once you follow those steps carefully. Give yourself a toast for having done well. Who else to give credit for this fantastic job? Now bask in your achievement. You don't have to follow the steps if you don't want to but it will help conserve time and energy. Besides, the chances of you connecting with people from following the above mentioned steps will more likely contribute to your success. Good luck.
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